/TechScreencast – rush, a shell that will yield to you – Nicholas Schlueter :: tutorial, videos, articles, screencast to learn technology”

TechScreencast – rush, a shell that will yield to you – Nicholas Schlueter :: tutorial, videos, articles, screencast to learn technology”

rush (http://rush.heroku.com/) as defined by the website is: a replacement for the unix shell (bash, zsh, etc) which uses pure Ruby syntax. Grep through files, find and kill processes, copy files – everything you do in the shell, now in Ruby. In this talk you will learn 2 things. First we will go over some rush basics. Like globbing, search and replace, naming files, and processes. Second we will add rush to common tools, such as, Rake, Sake, Textmate, Capistrano, and Thor.

About Nicholas Schlueter

Senior software engineer at RideCharge (http://www.ridecharge.com). RideCharge is a startup which means shared responsibility, but on a good day be found tweaking UI/UX related things. He has been developing websites for almost a decade. With over a year professionally in many languages, including perl, python, java, asp, javascript, and ruby. Nicholas blogs at Simpltry (http://www.simpltry.com), it is a reflection of his love over the years. Whether it be JavaScript, TextMate, Ruby or the Tech Industry.

Recently, he has been hacking on a new gem call RushMate (https://github.com/schlueter/rushmate/tree). It attempts to bridge rush, the ruby shell written by Adam Wiggens and TextMate, everyone’s favorite editor.